About Us

The Illinois Valley Food Pantry
began in October 1982.
Economic conditions had deteriorated, and many people out of work were faced with long waiting periods before qualifying for unemployment or public aid.
Food And Nutrition Programs
The pantry now helps a monthly average of 750 families living in 12 cities in LaSalle County.
The Purpose of the Pantry
We provide food assistance to people who are in the following emergency circumstances:
- Lack of employment or insufficient income.
- Food stamps or other public aid delayed or have run out.
- Family resources depleted by sickness or old age.
The pantry helps stretch the clients’ food budget so they can use that money for bills and medicine.
The pantry does not discriminate against any person because of age, sex, race, religion, handicap, physical condition, developmental disability, sexual orientation or national origin.
Thank You to Our Partners & Sponsors